Welcome to Friends and Family Gallery, your source for friends and family!
This site is dedicated to providing you the very best of enjoyment. Please feel free to register and upload your own pictures in your own family or friend folder for all to enjoy.
Friends and Family was Founded in 2015 by ‘shortypack’, Friends and Family Gallery has come a long way from its beginnings. When I first started out, the passion was for a website to attract as many friends and family to a site that they can enjoy and upload or download their memories and share with all.
We hope you enjoy our Gallery as much as we enjoy hosting them for you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Designed by shortypack
Business Company
Friends & Family Community Portal
Need that Special Item? Maybe want to downsize and want to sell some of those items not in use? This is the place to get rid of or purchase something you want from a family member or friend. Buy or sell at our new Friends & family Classified site!
Friends and Family Calendar is a free web based event calendar which will help you to organise and keep track of your appointments and events in an easy and user-friendly way from any internet PC, at home, in the office, on business trips or when on holiday, or to remember that special moment.
Our primary goal is to be more user-friendly, smaller and easier to maintain as compared to other web-based event calendars. It has all essential functions you may expect from a lightweight event calendar, designed to be as intuitive and user-friendly.
It has an intuitive, friendly user interface, is flexible and can easily be tailored to the user's needs.
It is using modern state-of-the-art technologies and tools, is easy to maintain.
It can be private or public
For Parties, Birthdays, Anniversaries, BBQ's,Picnics, Appointments, etc
And best of all:
Copyright © 2015 by "shortypack"
All Rights reserved

Chat to family and friends securely and safely.
Bring all our family and Friends together in the same room, no matter where they are. Here, you can carry on previous conversations, set certain topics or just catch up, all in your very own public or private chat rooms. You can even set up and monitor a children’s room, allowing them to chat to family and friends securely
and safely.
Quick & Easy you'll login to the Friends and Family website and instantly connect with your family an Friends. You'll share the family & Friends news, add family & Friends news, sports stories, pet tales, group announcements and more. Now you can quickly and easily post all the family & Friends news that is fit to browse!
Family & Friends Chat Rooms provide a very effective way to foster friendships that last forever. Your secure, public or private chat rooms will be great for supporting members, offering encouragement and answering questions.
Designed by shortypack
Copyright © 2015 by "shortypack"
All Rights reserved
Welcome to the Friends & Family
Our own Friends and Family
Your Frineds & Family Facetime allow users to interact with each other by live chat, messages, and a lot more. Further, users can connect with Friends and Family, also, they can create groups and communicate with each other!
Friends & Family Classifieds
Open 24 hours a day.
Place your ad on now and get added exposure.
Friends & Family Classifieds online provides you
with an environment to reach potential
Friends & Family from location to word of mouth.
Browse through our postings below by simply clicking
on a link for more details.
Now you can place ads online in several of our catagories.
Look for a "Post an ad online" link in a catagory or click here
to find out the available catagories and place an ad now.